2020 WING U.S. Award Nominations
Know someone in the geothermal industry who expresses one of WING's core values? Give them a chance to be recognized, and nominate them for an award.
You may nominate more than one person, but you can only nominate a particular individual for one of the categories. Both men and women are eligible to nominate and be awarded. Please be sure to read more about what each core value looks like in action (see below) before providing your nomination.
Due to COVID-19 impact to travel, awards will be presented at a virtual WING Event organized by U.S. WING team at the virtual GRC Annual Meeting 18-21 October 2020. Awards will be mailed to awardees.
Want some inspiration?
Read about the amazing past winners:
2019 WING Awardees: https://wing.wildapricot.org/news/808264
2018 WING Awardees: https://wing.wildapricot.org/news/6882033